Headaches during pregnancy are common, but there are certain types of head pain you should see a doctor for

This article was medically reviewed by Medhat Mikhael, MD, a pain management specialist and medical director of the non-operative program at the Spine Health Center at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.

A young pregnant woman suffering from a headache sits on a sofa.

Pregnancy headaches typically become more frequent around nine weeks, but can start at any time.
ronnachaipark/Getty Images
  • People who are pregnant are more prone to headaches due to a number of factors.
  • Hormone fluctuations and a higher risk of dehydration are some factors for pregnancy headaches.
  • To get rid of a pregnancy headache, try a warm compress or OTC medication like Tylenol.
  • Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice .

Headaches are extremely common in everyone, but especially in those who are pregnant.

That's because pregnant people can have additional risk factors for headaches, including increased sinus congestion, interrupted sleep, and dehydration, says Matthew Fore, MD, an OB-GYN with Providence St. Joseph Hospital.

Most of the time, pregnancy headaches are harmless. However, a headache that comes on suddenly, particularly in the second half of pregnancy, could be a sign of preeclampsia, a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical aid, says David Columbo, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist with Spectrum Health.

Here's what you should know about pregnancy headaches and how to get relief.

When do pregnancy headaches start?

Pregnancy headaches can become more frequent around nine weeks, when hormones and blood volume increase.

But, in general, headaches during pregnancy can start any time and feel like a typical headache you might have had when you weren't pregnant.

The pain from a pregnancy headache might be concentrated on one side of the head, the sinuses, or both sides of the head, Columbo says.


Pregnant people have additional risk factors that can make them more prone to headaches, including:

  • Sinus pressure: Increased blood volume during pregnancy can increase pressure on the sinuses, leading to a sinus headache, says Columbo.
  • Sleep interruptions: Getting less sleep can increase headache risk, and up to 94% of pregnant people report sleep disruptions that can increase headache risk, says Fore.
  • Dehydration: Pregnancy-related nausea can keep people from drinking enough water, increasing risk for dehydration-related headaches, says Fore.
  • Hunger: As you get used to eating more calories, you may experience bouts of hunger and low blood sugar that can trigger headaches.
  • Hormonal fluctuations: Hormonal fluctuations can play a role in migraines, and may be a factor for migraine headaches during pregnancy, says Fore.
  • Increased tension: Weight gain and body changes can put pressure on the shoulders and neck, leading to tension headache, Fore says.
  • Caffeine withdrawal: People who give up caffeine while pregnant may experience withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and headaches, especially if they were drinking a lot of caffeine prior to pregnancy.

High blood pressure related to preeclampsia can cause headaches too, mostly after week 22, Columbo says. If you have a sudden, persistent headache that is different from what you've experienced in other points during the pregnancy, call your doctor immediately, he says.


Identifying the cause of your headache can help you get relief, Columbo says.

For example, if the headache is allergy-related, taking an antihistamine might help, he says. Unfortunately, treating headaches takes a bit of trial and error to find what works for you, Columbo says.

That said, here are multiple options that pregnant people can try for headache relief:

  • Drink water. Fore always recommends that his patients drink an entire glass of water when they feel a headache coming on. This can help to prevent the headache if it's caused by dehydration. It also can help you to pause and relax, which may help if the headache is related to stress or anxiety.
  • Rest in a quiet, dark room. Rest can reduce tension and interrupt a headache, Fore says. While you're resting, avoid screens, including television, tablets, and phones, he recommends.
  • Tylenol and other medications: Although pregnant people cannot take many NSAID pain relievers, like Motrin or Ibuprofen, Tylenol is perfectly safe during pregnancy and can be used to treat headaches. "Women suffer needlessly because they're afraid of a medicine," Columbo says. If you were on migraine medication before pregnancy, talk to your doctor about pregnancy-safe options.
  • Hot or cold compress: Heat and cold can both relax muscles in the head and neck, which can help with headache relief, Fore says. Experiment with which is more effective for you, or alternate hot and cold packs, he recommends.
  • Scalp, shoulder and neck massage. Massage can relieve pain from tension headaches and is a great way to boost relaxation, Fore says.

When to see your doctor

Headaches in pregnant people are particularly concerning during the third trimester, when risk for preeclampsia rises.

If you experience vision changes or seeing spots, call your doctor immediately as this is a sign of preeclampsia.

To diagnose preeclampsia, doctors will check for elevated blood pressure and may conduct a follow-up urine analysis.

If preeclampsia is ruled out, and your headache persists and is not responding to treatment — especially Tylenol — it's still important to talk with a doctor to identify the root cause.

Imaging including MRIs are safe during pregnancy and should be utilized by people with severe headaches, Columbo said. MRIs can help diagnose migraines, which could inform your treatment options.

After you've figured out the cause, your doctor might recommend medication, like a combination of Benadryl and Reglan to treat headaches. If your doctor says the medication is safe, take it, Columbo says.

"Don't make yourself suffer needlessly," he says.

Insider's takeaway

Like headaches in the general population, headaches in pregnant people are common. They have a variety of causes, so there are many possible treatments.

In most cases headaches are inconvenient but harmless. However, a sudden, persistent headache, particularly in the third trimester can indicate preeclampsia, a serious condition.

"Headaches can be very common in pregnancy, but they should be taken seriously as it can be a warning sign of high blood pressure," says Fore. "If after rest, drinking water, and Tylenol your headache is still present, call your doctor."

Kelly Burch is a New Hampshire-based freelance journalist writing about finances, health, family, and more. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and Forbes, among others. Follow her on Facebook orTwitter, and or learn morehere.

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